
Expressway R35, construction R3509 Slavonin - Praslavice, II.phase

  • R3509
  • R3509
  • R3509
  • R3509
  • R3509
  • R3509
  • R3509
  • R3509
  • R3509
  • R3509
  • R3509
  • R3509

Section R3509, which connects the towns of Slavonín and Práslavice and forms a city of Olomouc by-pass, involved constructing roughly 18 kilometers of roadway and four interchanges.

Skanska also built 32 bridges, three of which are elevated and two of which have telescoping centers. When section 3509 was opened to traffic in 2003, it completed the 30-km link between Olomouc and Lipník nad Becvou, fully connecting northern and southern Moravia.
Because of this, driving conditions between Ostrava, Brno and Prague have dramatically improved and the driving time has been significantly reduced.

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